Imagine a thief named Stale, illegally taking away unmovable metal made gravestones.
I bought a van as a birthday present to my childhood friend and he greatly appreciates it.
My sis works in the clothing industry
As a person being good at procrastinating
Whenever I stand on the weighing machine
hell news: soul prices go down with increasing iphone buyers
I was using my phones camera to help shave my balls
Swear on our children?
Why was a man anxious as his female boss cooks a meal together with him at his house?
Every reddit post I look at seem to be in reference to the price of poultry products in the US
A woman in labor yelled: “Shouldn’t, Wouldn’t, Couldn’t, Can’t!”
What's a robot's favorite snack?
Common sense hack:
My wife told me I'm the only one she's ever slept with.
What do you call a food fight with an unlimited amount of food?
I took a cab home while being drunk last night and I threw up on the driver while he took my money.
Happiness is seeing someone you love ... until they see you and close the blinds.
Did you hear about the cow Space-X put in orbit around Mars?
Imagine a naked bear, struggling to carry a box of ball bearings, with a wheel bearing on top
Do you know about the guy who was all down and lifeless looking after his shoes broke?
Why don't skeletons fight each other?
Why do babies love basketball?
Have you tried drilling holes?
In a theater
From now on I am going to identify as Michael Jackson