Any Rumors on WR's we could grab in the Spring Portal?
What we will watch in the next 2 seasons? Theory.
Post S2 Finale. Frustrations…
Theory About the Safeguard and Cleaning in the Silo Finale
Didn’t we already know this?
Finale mystery
Arctis Nova 7x: Sound balance issue? Louder in left ear cup?
Some QOL stuff we DESPERATELY need
We need to have an honest discussion about charge and slam…
Can we PLEASE have the random numbers on cosmetics removed?
Worth every dead brain cell? ofc no - satisfaction at the end? Hell yeah
What combination are you picking for an all-night gaming session?
Game threads in this sub
PSA for anybody in prestige 6+ this is broken rn
What’s your take on the upcoming Minnesota game?
The cosmetics in this game are truly undefeated.
Absolute CLUSTERF**K of an afternoon with Xfinity Customer Service... HELP!
Best modern irons for my 65 year old newly retired Dad?
Are we fucking serious with this TA challenge…? Play 9 games!?!?
“Processing” or “Purchase Successful” Error every time I login to the game. Any idea how to fix this/make it go away?
When is it going to end ! I miss the varied teams and fun fights
TIL you can stack jump pads to launch the cashout station higher
I've worked in the game industry for a decade. Here's why the shift to TA stinks of Nexon influence.