The Dupont Apartments - any thoughts?
Montauk off-season w/ GR3x
Apicoectomy or Retreat?
Playing with Light | GR3x
First few days with GR3x (NYC)
I've worked in the game industry for a decade. Here's why the shift to TA stinks of Nexon influence.
My early impressions of Ranked Terminal Attack and World Tour.
Tried TA, never liked it to begin with, knew I wouldn’t like it now. Tried world tour…
Don’t care it’s been said already, Terminal Attack ranked is so unbelievably boring
The duality of man
Are wall-hacks rampant right now or are some enemies just pyscic?
Hyperadrenergic POTS, stimulants, and norepinephrine
Has anyone resolved their heart rate issues, but other symptoms remain?
Guanafacine - Push through or discontinue?