Do you do YouTube for money or fame?
Has the Hype died down yet?
Pregnant and paying child support
To those who don’t have Youtube as a full-time job, what is your daily routine?
Just tried ZaZa Reds first time
Future people will NEVER be able to finish watching a TV Show
Quitting Job
How is it that 7-OH still has an effect even while taking 8mg of Suboxone?
6 Month update
[21+] Ukranian soldier (with a GoPro) lost a 1 vs 1 fight to russian (yakut, kalmyk or something similar) soldier.
Hereditary - The greatest horror movie of the modern era!
42 Days 4 Hours Clean…Please Someone Tell Me This Is Not “IT”😭😭😭
[Books] Silo S02E10 "Into the Fire" Episode Discussion (Book Readers Thread)
NiGHt FloAt
NiGhT teRRoR
I Don't Like This Anymore
What do you guys usually do when a video starts going viral?
Help me name my cat!
Tillamook limited edition apple crisp
Why are we banning tik tok?
Privating videos?
50 Cent is not a tough guy and never was a real gangster
176 day check in
LiMu EmU is driving me insane