6 days off 960mg per day 7OH habit.
Time has flown
Taurus male and Aquarius Female
SpotMe Boosts Megathread 🚀
Will be forced to go ct on 16mg (film strips) what the hell do i do!?
I’m trying to stop suboxone- so yesterday I did 7oh instead (it’s like chemicals pulled out of kratom)
Weight loss
Daily Check-in Thread - January 30, 2025
Anyone like me is on sub after K ?
I'm going to run out early not sure why options I have.
Anyone other recent k quitters using nicotine like crazy since quitting?
How is it that 7-OH still has an effect even while taking 8mg of Suboxone?
Daily Check-in Thread - January 27, 2025
Has anyone caught a cold shortly after quitting?
someone sold me this, is it suboxone or acid?
Significant Other Addiction
AIO? Message from my boyfriend for my 30th birthday written by AI
Aio 36th birthday
Will 1mg suboxone block fent?
Those who switched from large amounts of kratom to subs. Did you catch a buzz the first couple days?
Dear Tauruses, which signs do you have the best sexual chemistry with?
Does anyone have experience with nal.trex.one?
Taurus: Where are you?! Why can’t we find you out and about easily? How can we find you if we wish to?
I went to rehab for Kratom & used MAT to get clean, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Mushrooms and Suboxone