WTW for when someone gives a look that says ‘Are you stupid?’
What’s the BEST thing you’ve ever eaten in Seattle? 😋
Should i evacuate from Venice?
What’s a food you will never eat again?
Some macarons I’ve been busy with
new areas !!!
Favourite villager design-wise?
Non dairy milk substitute for milk in a cheese sauce?
What’s a food combo that sounds disgusting but is actually amazing?
A poster hanging in this counselling room
Lisa Simpson bedsheets?/blanket set?
Can someone remove the people in the back? Thank you 🥰
Restaurant desserts so good it’s worth going in for them alone?
What's the most delicious thing you've eaten in your life?
Anyone else's goober consistently sit like this?
This marshmallow pillow
What is the biggest culture shock you ever faced?