Name of linguistic phenomenon where the middle parts of a three syllable or more Latin root are dropped in French descendent word
World calendar systems
Water disparities in Boulder County, CO, versus El Paso County, CO
What species of tree/shrub is this?
Which game to play?
No more armies
Synaptic Lathe Guide
Can a virus spread back and forth between two people repeatedly by mutating?
My boyfriend's mom was worried about me and now I'm rethinking my upbringing
First Time Reader
Whats it like for you to date as a single, successful,independent woman over 30?
Why everyone dislikes the adaptation?
Where do I get the audiobooks without having to have a subscription?
In begins...
What the hell am I looking at? Illinois
Why don't men approach me?
Male friends turning on you when you turn them down.
What is your favourite book, that is at least 100 years old?
Stellaris 3.1 + Plantoid...going for encouraging primative civs to terraform their planets for me but more tombworlds would be great, ideas?
Rouge servitors tips?
Galactic Community resolutions for Hiveminds
I just installed stellaris galaxy edition. I am confused as to what I'm supposed to be doing.
Resource Stabilization
I really wanna play but a bug with robot pops turns me away. Workaround?
Can you change the ethics of federation memebers?