Am I the only one without an Impulse control?
Why do people with psychotic disorders have a diffucult time with hygiene?
I stopped brushing my teeth/showering normally.
Copper deficiency
Do you feel hunger?
Does a reduction of meds equal less hunger?
Felt normal for a few Minuten today... also weird way of having emotions
How long do de reminents of amisulpride stay in the body?
Am I the only one?
Extreme laziness on amisulpride?
What’s a biohack for scalp dryness ?
How to recover from anhedonia if going off antipsychotics isn't an option?
Who in here lost weight while being on medication?
Who in here healed from anhedonia? (Feeling nothing)
Be Thankful
what substances make you feel something
Is there anything you've taken that works for you?
What aspects of this illness hinder you the most in life ?
Have you ever experienced anhedonia and recovered from it?
Those of you who lack motivation, are you able to do sports?
What if many of us "just" have bpd?
Has anyone in here ever really healed?
Who feels better after injections?
How to lose weight while being on amisulpride/antipsychotics?