Drew this a while ago, Instagram didn’t really care about it, hope you guys like it
I drew the third colossus. Took me like 3 hours to finish the shading on his upper lip.
How to unlock this?
To the guy who dropped his backpack at the farm
What’s the hardest final line?
I just got my meta quest yesterday, any game recommendations?
Any news on cross play invites?
[PC] [early 2000's] A racing game with tiny cars with random pick-up abilities scattered across the track, the cars could get destroyed and respawned, one track was on some jungle map. Tilted 2D/3D view.
[PC] [90’s-2000’s] Island Escape
For those wondering how history actually works. It's written by a hidden hand...alternate history is the struggle to discover wtf actually occurred as opposed to what a hidden hand said happened.
Can MP7 iron sights be toggled?
Tried to customize the Razorleaf to get some Wipeout games vibes.
Early game A-class ship build! I like having the engines out front. Cost around 40k
What are your hot takes on the series
Polyatomic Grind Advice
Which movie soundtrack slaps from beginning to end?
How old do I look?
progress update
1966 - Kids are asked about their thoughts on the future.
Favourite r/radiohead albums outside of Radiohead: Day 10. Most voted response in 24 hours gets added here. Doolittle won the 9th place! Albums from the same band cannot be repeated!
Favourite r/radiohead albums outside of Radiohead: Day 4. Most voted response in 24 hours gets added here. It was so close between Dummy and Remain In Light, but in the end Dummy won the 3rd place! Albums from the same band cannot be repeated!
modern warfare 2 ui concept
somebody wants to pay me $20 to design them a flyer😭😭
Weekend Wrap-up Megathread + Bug Report Thread
Just got my first noony toons quad kill and fell victim to the Xbox achievements bug