Links to zillows so I can see more pics
With a place like this, no one would ever hear from me again.
Doug has been traded to twitch for Mr beast
Small Nonprofit Installation
Ken is out of touch about egg prices
Ace needs to speak slower and enunciate.
Rescued and rehome fail.
I hope people are not living in small apartments to own a Cybertruck
Tina's hospital concrete is down!
How do you think this pond was made?
We can shut down the sub now
Cool Technology
My crazy racist BIL posted this today. Can someone fix it.
Is this a good food option
R/conservative - Debate Proposal
Help me understand VLANs vs multiple SSIDs
“We didn’t vote for this, we still need our safety net for vulnerable legal citizens and immigrants” states person who voted for Trump.
Need help choosing floors
PIR for Stairs, Possible to keep strip on?
Wait, the deportations cost us money?
What happened to Doug's eye
My son learned an important lesson today, always double check for soakers
Congressman Buddy Carter has introduced a bill to abolish the IRS, repeal income, payroll, estate and gift taxes. Is this a good idea?
unique fusion of Tuscan-inspired design and traditional New England craftsmanship.
Can we at least congratulate Steve on his new studio rebrand?
My new debit card seems unsecure