100k SPY yolo
Terrified is an understatement
Calling out bad behavior on CTA
Full size Christmas tree on my bus today. 🎄🚌🎅
To dear heartbroken men:
Why is every dude obsessed with dogs?
Massive hopelessness and worthlessness after being dumped as a 5’3 guy
When that text comes, if that text comes, I hope that I'll still have feelings for you
[Video] Life in 2050: Shaping the Future of Food, Agriculture, Urban Planning & Finance
Acceptance is key to healing
Finish the sentence: He/she hurt me so bad that I …
Things were going well, or so I thought, but they abruptly ended it.
I'm about to travel half-way around the world and back, and worried that no one will miss me being gone or look forward to me returning.
Are men truly lonely?
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is complete lack of empathy (sociopathy/psychopathy) and 100 is extreme empathy (HSP/empath), where do you think you fall?
I will always be the ugly black girl/woman!!!
What is your reason for living?
I decided to have a drink.
Fuck it
The Mathematics of M-Theory
I miss quizup, so I made my own quiz website
[Speculative] Our Universe's Great-Great-Grandmother