You are given the chance to say something that will be heard and understood by the entire human race, regardless of language barriers. What do you say?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
What Christmas song do you whole heartedly hate?
What's the unfunniest comedy show or movie you've ever watched?
I was bored and made my own version of Phase Four
What's the best insult without any swear or bad words?
What is something that was popular when you were growing up that kids today wouldn't understand why it was popular?
I was bored and made my own version of the MCU from phases 4 to 7. What do you guys think?
What is the dumbest question someone has ever asked you while you were on a first date?
What misconceptions do you think most people have about turning 18?
What's considered trashy if you're poor but classy if you're rich?
What mistake did you make in 2023 that you don't want to repeat in 2024?
Who is the most famous person you've met?
What organisation are you fully convinced is secretly a cult?
What are you slowly losing interest in?
What's one chore you really hate doing?
What's your coping mechanism when you're in a bad mental state?
Why do you think people hate Captain Marvel (the MCU character)?
What song from a kids show is unironically a bop?
What game show do you think you could easily beat?
You are given power over all TV and streaming services for a day, what shows are you instantly cancelling?
What are some changes you would like to see in the MCU going forward?
Which actor or actress do you think is bad at acting but just keeps getting roles because they are hot?
Which TV or Movie character do you think is the best father?