On Q1, why does the assault not merge with the battery?
Civ Pro Question
Looking for movies to watch while taking magic mushrooms.
Are Movies like Superbad going extinct or something?
Coming of age college/ HS senior shows or movies?
Essay anxiety
C&F worries, substance abuse
Where do y’all stand with ChatGPT and its environmental impact?
Movies about what it’s really like to live in poverty in the US
Good scary movies
Investigative Movies based on True Stories?
Movies you can watch stoned that make you say “ Wow - Owen Wilson “ or a fun ride like Snatch or True Romance
Is UWorld Enough for MBE Prep? What Other Sources Are You Using?
UWorld/Adaptibar Percentages: First Attempt or Redo?
I do not remember Civ Pro being this damn dense or complicated.
Took a mock exam
Nah. You’ve got to be kidding me 💀
Action movies with a female lead
70´s underrated movies
More AI art
Isn’t this a hearsay within a hearsay statement? What am I missing
Movies about people becoming more considrate, please
How do I start life
worried i will need to pee 1million times and also want my zyns... lol
Are there any great lesser-known detective shows?