My boyfriend’s dick is too big.
My partner came up with the idea to make a bone shaped paper clip so I cadded it and printed it
What do you think is going on in this picture?
A1 Mini suddenly fails bench test at same point.
A question about keeping it clean
Help how is this?
What should I learn?
Playing with some different color prints before swapping buttons
What are your thoughts on the new design?
A functional print for me
What to do with this space.
Has anyone spotted this man at the Airport yet?
Filament tangle A1
Vibration compensation…?
And here I was hoping I was different!
Here is a link to the files to make the SteamDeck case w/ built in keyboard holder
Is it safe?
[#Giveaway] Happy New Year Giveaway! 🎉
Treadmill fitting like a glove
The Might Galactus! I finished this model some weeks ago, what you guys think about it?
What type of roach and how do I fight them?
Need help on making digital
First print first poop
Christmas Giveaway 👀🎁