I get that they're supposed to be tongue in cheek, but this is a bit much no?
[Discussion] What are your thoughts on Geoff John's run on The Flash?
[US/MO] [H] Shipping question for frequent sellers [W] Trade
[US/CA] [H] Omnibus for sale Batman No Man's Land, Final Crisis, JLA, DC One Million [W] Paypal
What’s your most requested omnibus?
Buying a used Townsend Sphere
Recommendations for Avengers / Xmen / Deadpool
Todays haul with one whale 🐳
Our blessed target b2g1 sale, their barbarous amazon b2g1 sale. Super excited about this haul tbh
Another amazing find
What are some of the best omnibuses ever from marvel and dc?
Flash by Johns or Waid?
Undecided on when to read WaT
Is this worth picking up? And do I have to read anything before it?
What to get next: Hickman's FF 1 or JLA by Morrison?
Is hickmans run on avengers a good book?
Would you recommend the 3 Flash omnis by Geoff Johns?
Just finished Flash vol. 3 by Geoff Johns
New addition - hyped to start reading!
Amazon Haul from the get 3 for the price of 2!
New additions for DC Compact Comics Wave 2
Green Lantern Trilogy?
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