Need help with shaving+picking out a good shaving machine
Help picking out a good trimming machine
So overwhelmed by how to start studying for the MCAT
What are some good quality tennis racket brands that I should buy as a beginner?
What would you say is the best shaving machine for trimming beard hair?
About to graduate with barely any extracurriculars
Really want to get into Star Wars but not sure where to start
Show recommendations
imposter syndrome
Weak iman for a few reasons.
I am a Muslim but my imam is weak and it’s because of two reasons
How do I make friends after college? I wasted all my high school and college years rotting away in my room and I regret it.
How do I make friends outside of college (I wasted all of my high school and college years rotting in my room)?
Trying to upload changes ONLY from my computer to my phone but never from my phone to my computer. How would I do this?
Are there any average people who got into medical school?
Fun+viable survivor builds
Finding new hobbies other than video games
Good sci-fi/fantasy books for beginners
Best form of self defense for a skinny dude?
Volunteering at a small undergrad cancer research lab but struggling with dilutions mainly
Are there any builds that can actually make legion good in higher ranks? No matter what build I try, he’s just bad into good survivors
I have an addiction to day time naps which ruin my sleeping schedule
Trying to find new hobbies, looking into comic books.
What is a fun , cheap hobby?