Made a friend at work
you disagree with the officer do you?
Kentucky Fried Kitten
My other cat’s name is Toasty can you help me think of either a name related to toast, a kitchen item, or a food? He’s grey. Just adopted today not the best photos. Thanks!
Am I the asshole for not wanting to take my niece out?
Are You Comfortable?
AITA for refusing to babysit my older sister's kids again?
There are some very interesting things going on in the back😂
Foster cat arrived 4 days ago
Any room for me?
AITA for not observing the religious traditions of my partner's family?
AITA for refusing to help my sister with her wedding because she didn't invite me?
help name my new child! i’m open to anything!
Bunnies feel comfy at the couch
Garfield is real 😄
Meet Jeffrey. Senior cats are the best because they are full of love and this 12-year-old Siamese is as sweet as can be
AITA for being scared that my bf takes rides with a friend who accidentally killed another person