This CERN Scientist Reveals They Captured a Mysterious Entity INSIDE The Particle Collider.
Having Trouble Silver/Copper Electroplating a Resin Sculpture Coated with Nickel Conductive Paint—Help Needed!
[self] Having Trouble Silver/Copper Electroplating a Resin Sculpture Coated with Nickel Conductive Paint—Help Needed!
A Day Without a Mexican - Trailer
You reap w you sow
Sam Smith walking through the streets of Leon México
Billy Ray Cyrus’s son Trace claims singer is taking ‘legal action’ against him after public plea to father
Cartels burn Casino in México
Cartels burn Casino en México
DOGE Twitter profile looks like a cheap design made by my 12 year old brother
‘It’s Total Chaos Internally at Meta Right Now’: Employees Protest Zuckerberg’s Anti LGBTQ Changes
How likely is it that the Bird Flu (H5N1) will cause a lockdown like Covid?
ELI5: Why are U.S homes made of wood that light up so quickly and not concrete like most houses in central and south america?
Noone I know is taking AI seriously
Surveillance mode always on 😅
‘Above Majestic’ what is your opinion on this movie?
The Tesla Cybertruck isn’t living up to expectations. The rest of the world is finally catching up to what we've known all along
"Concerning" bird flu mutations in Louisiana patient underscores pandemic potential of H5N1
How long until we know something about the person driving
Remember when people thought this guy was a genius?
A large circular object fell from the sky in a village in Kenya. Need help identifying it
Strange energy found in Egyptian pyramids: It’s been there for 4500 years