My 439,000 mile 2009 Sonata. She's not a looker, but damn reliable if anything.
New to me 2013 Kia Soul 6MT :3
What band is this? Wrong answers only
Two Germans and a Mexican
Please advise when back in service.
Sorry man I’m autistic I didn’t understand what it meant 🤷🏼
Takei is a national treasure
Is the eagle a Nazi symbol?
When the EMS room has free snacks and coffee packets.
Oh no you don't!
Microplastic scare? Or just me
What is this used for?
Infuzema. The silent killer.
Leaked footage of Trump’s Inauguration speech:
What cars do y'all suggest buying?
rate the tat?
From now on, I'm going to be just like Krusty and tell it like it is
I don't see why not
But yes, let's totally build that wall.
Just found this sub and thought I should share
I’m still confused
Um.. is this supposed to be a diesel or an electric loco?
(Pic) Missing the word “ambulance “ before driver.
This might be the worst Twitter account in existence…
Weather’s great in Mo-Town