Any benefit to putting giant LoRa antenna in skylight?
Norwalk police vehicle fatally hits pedestrian
Kitchen Tools
The relationship recession is going global
How do people manage to enjoy life while working full time?
Is editing going to become the new radio
The dangerous impact vaping can have on your lungs
Network performance in busy areas
Retroid pocket 4 pro upgrade.
Was watching the new annoying orange and spotted this. WTF
Why is the industry doing so bad?
What uhh, anyone try playing Jak II on their RP5?
PSA to other new users like myself
Sony wh-1000xm4 sound quality is absolutely trash or am I tripping...? Volume not getting loud enough? Any suggestions of solutions that I haven't tried? People who have the same opinion, what other headphones would you recommend?
Beginner editor looking for a stable job
Official Discussion - Nosferatu (2024) [SPOILERS]
New e-reader to kick off 2025!
Could have been the best dumb phone, the battery really sucks. Palm phone. 🥲
Cat went out with another female cat and this happened when he got back.
Is touch designer professionally used for anything besides music visualizations and art installations?
Arrived just in time for Christmas!
Worrying about aging / getting older at 19 years old
I lost my job, and I don’t see the point in anything any more
Oh no, Gen Zers have learned the truth about CEOs!