Guy in monoserver Boune is a scammer BEWARE
What is wrong with Jaheira? Is she suicidal?
I did not think this was possible...
Why do people deny climate change is real?
Not so intelligent design anymore, huh?
Why is my right leg my least damaged area in a game when headshots should be the exception and not the norm
Well? Why they all use flat earth logo without Antarctica..?
Briar Privilege
When enemy top farm between first and second turret. What should i do
Flatearthers: what about the sun
Ok. I was ready to buy a scooter until…..
Team Carried 1/16/7 Yasuo Who Said Mid Gap
Dear Flerfs. This is how magnets actually work. You can try this at home.
Eh lala. Est-ce que les enfants de cette époque ont survécu à ce grave «danger»? (via Twitter)
quick quiz
Si un référendum devait se tenir aujourd'hui sur l'indépendance du Québec, que voteriez-vous?
How did yall get banned from r/globeskepticism
Why is Rockstar Games only worth 5 Billion?
How can you ensure that no one travels to Antarctica? You have to guard 74,398.16 miles. You need 1116 cruisers manned over 15 years with 3,348 million keeper of secrets.
Who are the top 5 junglers in your opinion ?
My E-Scooter is heavy AF! Need Suggestions!
I find riding my scooter slowly (Emove Cruiser) to actually be quite fun. I don't understand the desire to go 40kmph or faster? I usually ride at 20kmph.
At this point, why do I bother to play.
Ordered a Apollo City Pro 2023, I have some questions
How do you block out the constant blame?