Help Ultimaker S5 won’t print
The support is affecting the product
Moraliskt dilemma.
Barn som säljer åt förening
Pappor på Sweddit: hur lade ni upp er föräldraledighet?
Till er som gick yrkeshögskola, var det lätt att få jobb?
Is my friend cheating?
3d experience - is it down today?
(Seriös) Har du vunnit det genetiska lotteriet på något sätt och isåfall hur?
Me and my friends (Swedish) are thinking about going to October fest next year.. anything we should think about?
He’s not wrong...
Isnt it theoretically possible for an H/h tolerance not to fit?
Hur känner du inför framtiden? Alltså på RIKTIGT (varning, riktigt negativt inlägg)
Making a heavy pop up roof safe
Anyone know the name of this kind of articulated joint/part? Trying to buy parts exactly like this for a project, but I have no idea what to type in.
Seriöst, fuck den svenska sjukvården.
What legendary YouTube channel doesn’t make videos anymore?
What do I need to do to reduce the amount flushed?
Is this heatcreap?
two of the same prints, same settings but the second one just a day after the first, any idea why this happened?
Any swedes here? xD (Gul Dukat)
STEP Files RANT, fix you shit!
Vilka jobb får man jobba mycket själv vid (vill bli inte lokförare)?
Making multi-body simulation more robust
Engineers Ring