When is best to start the Secret Projects?
Hooked by chapter 4. Here we go!
More bourbon for us Americans?
Don't read if you haven't read Royal Ranger 2 and 3 (Red Fox Clan and Duel at Araluen)
Question on how oathgates work. [WaT]
Where was perrin?
There’s a game!?
Does anyone else picture Michael Peña in his character "Luis" from the movie Ant-man every time they read Lope's dialogue?
Do we know how?
(WaT) Who would win in a fight?
I have seen a few posts with this photo in the past but none mentioning this [WaT]
Could Kratos beat the gods of the Cosmere?
Is it just me or does Biden seem happier now he’s retired
Why do the leftists jump to extremes so quickly?
When does Elantris pick up?
[WaT] A small pet peeve I have about Brandon's worldbuilding
Saphira's ring
[WaT] Concern for a certain someone after the events of the book
About Kaladin and Honor (WaT)
How would Gundars skandian crew fare against arisakas senshi?
How many times has someone got bitten in the Cosmere?
I love Sebarial
[WaT] Nomad rabbit hole theory
I scored a zero 💾
Jasin Natael