About Beck….
Surprisingly unpopular opinion….
Why Oz was so much scarier than other villains to me
Is this an ENFP thing, ADHD, or just a me thing???? lol
People who use science to negate your experience are weird to me
Who is the worst actor on the show in your opinion?
Heartbroken by work cos I’m so naive
has anyone experienced acne FROM Vyvanse?
I accidentally got my vyvanse to work
AITA For not making a big deal out of my friend being bisexual?
AI works way better than traditional therapy for me
Things I thought were normal “quirks” but were probably ADHD, anyone relate?
Anyone else lost interest in working out since starting?
Anyone else had a breakthrough from watching Bojack?
Please tell me this gets better
Hostel recommendations?
First solo trip for my birthday :)
I spend so much time masking that I overshare on social media!!! Help
Struggling with friends
Can you be both?
The emily thing.....
Why do you guys like to take selfies so much?
I think I’ve figured it out… but not sure where to go from here…
I feel like an alien
Does anyone else get this?