BR V doesn’t even feel like WW2 at this point.
Since the Soviets have the M3, it’s only fair the Germans get whatever this thing is
Reminder that the B5N2 is still BR III (With comparison to its Tech Tree counterparts)
Will we have Hungarian squads soon?
All FREE paratrooper uniforms YOU can rock
Results of the Screenshot contest: Eternal winter
Romanian squad SOON? maybe yes, maybe not
Does anyone know
I believe there may be some clipping issues for the gas mask
Don’t Keep Your Tanks too Close Together
Do bots really (still) build rally points? (So if none are built, there are no bots in the team?)
What yall think about my moscow squad? I tried to make it seem as realistic as possible (ushankas, ssh-36 and other)
Stupid or based?
Grenade rifle spam
What's the strength and weakness of each faction?
503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion can’t use proper vehicles?
Spanish bolties for some BP/Premium/Event fighting for the germans
The French "volunteers" Charlemagne Division for the Germans?
Field Marshal paulus HQ
Millions of research points
Weekly Custom Battles?
something something about better value bp
As the SAS squad refused to drop from lootbox, I made my own.
Japanese tanks have good potential for faces