Hi, do you want to talk?
Type "Your Dad is" and let auto complete finish it.
uninstalling the app
Can someone explain what the heck is happening RN
Back to J after a long time
damn after downloading reddit for like 10 days I remembered why I deleted it
Deepseek Privacy Concerns
Old medicine
Would you buy this body pillow for a PS4?
Please wear deodorant guys im begging you
I am Jonh Woman, the inventor of women, Ask me whatever you want
Why is the vagina so sensitive to the elements?
Virus on phone? Pop up question
Type: STICK-SHIFT! With closed eyes (no idea what flair to put)
Guess who passed her examm
Just type "I" and complete the entire paragraph using nothing but autocorrect suggestions
I'm an urgent need of 10USDT)
I'm working on an alternative
18F Need a chat buddy right now...
Type “Your mom is” and let autocomplete finish it
I have one single question, WHAT THE FUUUUUCK IS DONUT TRUMP DOING ?
I have one single question... WHAT THE FUUUUUCK IS DONUT TRUMP DOING
Yeah for some reason I have 6🇩🇿 numbers and yeah I use all of them
[ Removed by Reddit ]