Negative RR
Investment asset suggestion
Need upvotes 100 pls
Okay, seriously... Stop asking about karma!
27M , no job , no careear
whats your fastest way to get enough karma points ?
What was your reaction when you realized that life after graduation is not as good as you thought in school (the real chapter start from there)?
Stuck in loss making business
no sar , i'm in loss because of weak market
Whats karma?
need upvotes pls , on comment too
At my friend's home
need your upvote help pls
little help guys
If you could live anywhere for a year, where would it be and what’s the first thing you’d do?
What’s a risk you took that really paid (not in your business but in ur real life)?
How do you feel when your parents praise you in front of relatives?
How do you end a conversation (monologue) that keeps going on forever?