find spongebob
Asterix - Madsangen
she may have lost the election but she has won my respect.
Find the dog. Even my wife (on the photo) couldn’t find him.
Find the iguana
Giv blod – og få et bedre liv!
Danish biking culture, everyone.
EU i fuldtonet opbakning til Danmark
Amerikansk accent- hvad gør I?
Tesla (TSLA) sales are dropping like a rock in Europe, but it’s not just because of Elon Musk
Mongo is appalled!
we call them princess donuts
Why is the EU ignoring Serbia's student protests?
Find the… nope you’re already dead
Find the teddy bear with no bow tie
Flere kvinder fik omdiskuteret hormonsprøjte uden samtykke i 70'erne
Find the completely empty batter cell. Not my pic. Found it on a news website.
German satire programme about the trade conflict with the US.
Innkeeper Chronicles
The world needs more Science Fantasy (IMO) and no I don't mean Dune or Star Wars.
Books widely considered disappointments
Grønlændere fornægter ansvaret for egne problemer • POV International
John boede i lejlighed, mens kommunen dagligt betalte 2.500 kroner for, at han boede på forsorgshjem
66-million-year-old vomit fossil discovered in Denmark
Grønlandsminister føler sig anklaget for folkedrab. Men spiralkampagnen er noget af det bedste, der er sket for landet, mener han.
Loven fratager far retten til sit biologiske barn