T1 and many others died at Baron
SF hate on non SF
5 max players??
Fishing Quay placement
Just played 8 hours and think the game is amazing AMA
CIV7 Glass half-full: Everything that's hard for the dev team to change is done really well (core mechanics). Everything that's done poorly is easy for the dev team to change (the UX).
How feasible is it for someone who hasn't raided before to raid in HC?
Level 34 Warrior - Still worth it to get Whirlwind Axe if you already have Corpsemaker?
How worth is WW axe compared to saving for mount?
Moon Knight is by far the most annoying DPS, he by and large relies on an absurd gimmick with ridiculous burst damage, ridiculous ult charge rate, and a ridiculous uncounterable ult
Buying auction house gear at low levels?
How long will WC Warrior gear last?
Change RAAS or give SLs some squadmaps like features
Disproportionate development resources?
Wizard needs some love