What's a 'kid food' you secretly (or not so secretly) still enjoy as an adult?
Does someone find the Jacket? Maybe even the Shirt?
What can I say... 🤷♂️
What can you never truly understand until you have experienced it?
Was ist ein Badboy für euch?
Any games I can play with just my non-dominant to pass the time?
Your fav song that isn’t mentioned on every thread?
what’s something small that completely changed the way you see the world?
Men; do you feel sexy? When was the last time you felt like you were sexy or attractive and *truly* believed it?
Holt ihr euch GTA6, falls es über 100€ kostet?
Welcher film hätte schon nach 10 Minuten geendet wenn der Hauptcharakter keine dämliche Entscheidung getroffen hätte?
What's a habit you've picked up that improved your life significantly?
Have you guys ever really looked into sir Francis drake?
What's the most shocking thing you've ever overheard in a conversation?
youtube soll in deutschland verboten sein (auch madeira wegen lami usw.)
Body count is not the same for both genders (?)
The pop will be massive
Jetzt, wo der erste Monat fast vorbei ist: Wie sieht euer Zwischenfazit für 2025 aus?
First Teaser Poster for the Final Season
Ich habe Tourette - Ama
Verstehen eure Eltern was ihr beruflich macht/was ihr studiert?
Morgen einen Monat rauchfrei
Auf Phuket in einem deutschen Restaurant. Hatte 6€ gekostet - tat mir echt gut