What is the point of being Severed anymore?
The black swan has such a cute animation with the frogs! 🐸
Is the city important in the game? Or can I just ignore it?
Is there any other shows like superstore?
I’ll trade deeds, stakes, nails, or screws for marker stakes!
When it's time to let your hamster go?
Cody/TMG YouTuber alternatives?
My little buddy passed away at the vet this morning after a rough night :( rip skeeter
do americans really drive such long distances?
Did your parents overreact to small things and underreact to the big things?
Service Dogs
My little vivarium. Thought it looks cute enough to share
Fucked up and jealous over coworkers sex life
Reminding myself why i don’t love my mom
loyola or depaul?
I hate my husband: Rant
life isn’t better
PSA: List your winter clothing yesterday.
Toilet paper as cheap bedding alternative for minimal dust
Need bf advice (I’m the blue texts)
I just can’t seem to keep plants alive (Need some tips)
Help with Ivy!
Help with wilting ivy!
How do I know if my hamster is stressed when he is in my hands ?
Cuddling up to me