Is this a dumb idea
Where to find Anki decks?
17F twitching
Is it annoying when students come to office hours to ask stuff they could have googled?
How do you prevent mid semester burnout?
528 MCAT score good enough to get into HYPSM?
Are nicotine pouches allowed on test day?
what do you tell yourself to motivate yourself to exercise
How many chiral centers are in #a and why?
LOR optional?
is it normal to have ur teacher not curve
what are some signs you can't academically handle being a pre-med?
hard work vs. talent
what do you wish you did freshman year
Things You WISH You DId FIrst Year of Pre-med
unprepared for college?
This guy is actually smth else 😭
I swear this isn't satire 😭 I just have test anxiety
Unprepared for college?
help me pick the teacher to ask for recommendations (APPS DUE TN RESPOND ASAP)
You can only go to a school who's name shares the same first letter as yours, where are you going?
What material should we bring in the new digital SAT?
college essay about gossip? good or bad?
Should I rethink medical school?