Stocking Ideas??
I couldn’t stop her if I tried. My wife ate one of these before I could catch it, so cue the weirdest post I never thought I’d make. Is there anything mixed in with these I should be concerned about her having eaten?
Whats my snail doing?
Well this is new...
I was sold White Wizards snails by a pet store as “ivory mystery snails”
New 3 gallon goldfish tank!
Nuking my tank with copper
What are type of snails are these?
Rescued some new babies today :P
Radix Snails
Thicc (def a male right??)
What’s your favorite kind of aquatic snail?
Can you confirm that this is a female? LFS didn’t wanna sell her cuz of the missing claw so I adopted her.
Help! Tried everything out of ideas to get clear water
what kind of snail is this?
Help! Molting anxiety.
Betta in fish bowl not eating
Is it just me or does this scream unethical breeding
Become Fire Punch
My pet slime mold
My first planted tank: 1.5 months update
New dwarf gourami! Name suggestions welcome
What type of snail is this
Shell turning white?
Help id this little thing?