My work-in-progress ghost trap to match with my Proton Packs
how do you rate my ass out of 10?
Crazy Chicken Kart 2 was what I was looking for!
Garfield kart > Moorhuhn kart
You don’t need Mario Kart, we got it at home. The Mario Kart at home:
Can we all agree that Menu Theme from Moorhuhn Kart is a banger?
I legit kinda like the Bill Clinton game.
Rate my big teacher mom ass
rate my ass please
My first Proton Pack build (I'm working on another one as we speak)
What age do you think I am?
"Me for President" - Gordon Shumway
Who's the other guy playing beside El Chavo?
Untitled track recorded at Cobain's residence in 1988
The ALF Talking Network - Postcast 1
If there was a third one, what would be his name?
I am legitimately scared of posting me and my friend's cosplay here.
Remember Alf? He's back! In...
Hide your cats, ALF is back! - Announcement for a weekly reddit postcast made by ALF
William Tanner is planetally hated on New Melmac
What are the best 5 Alf episodes of all time?
M.C. Shumway!!!
What do you think Daria smells like?
The wizard of Ozzy
Jaws and Star Wars, name a better combo!