Ok so I might be allergic to my cat…
NSF Implementation of Trump admin Executive Orders
World Top Player Championship postponed due to China's withdrawal
Anyone see the latest announcement from Korean Baduk Association? (Korea Baduk Association Addresses LG Cup Incident)
Do Chinese players not place stones in the bowl lid reflexively?
The Chiefs and Sun Tzu’s Element of Surprise
NSF panels cancelled today
Applying for an undergraduate research mini-grant
Off campus apartment
The Wikipedia entry of Byun Sang-il was modified multiple times today
Locals know
It is not OK to use the current situation as an excuse to say bigoted things about Chinese or Korean people
Congratulations to Byun Sang-il winning LG finals by 0:1
What is happening in LG Finals Game 3??
[D] ICLR 2025 paper decisions
NSF CAREER ratings
LG Cup Finals Game 2 – Prisoner Gate
This is what I call the play that surpasses AI
NSF CAREER pending - anyone has heard back?
My advisor is suggesting me to publish on MDPI, should I worry?
The Missouri legislature made history Wednesday, electing Jon Patterson (R-Lee's Summit) as the first Asian-American Speaker
Every Team's 17th Opponent for 2025
Tenure pause for 2 years