Does anyone’s seizures include an intense heat feeling? And do you get any episodes of diarrhoea and stomach pain?
Diagnosis of small, 12x7x10mm Meningioma.
I have epilepsy and autism i was wondering
How big does a tumor need to be to cause seizures?
White or Stainless fridge?
What did your doctors think your epilepsy was before they found out it was epilepsy?
Epilepsy caused by fall
Is post-ictal anger a thing?
Anyone dislike having an aura more than blacking out from a seizure?
How do you feel before a seizure happens to you?
If we don’t know “why” a seizure starts, what do we gather from triggers?
Aura/Focal Aware Symptoms??
Why does it take so long to get a diagnosis…
One off TC seizure
First time seizure, should I be driving?
What does my fridge say about me?
What are some of the funniest songs you know?
Can someone please recommend a really good British TV show?
Personality changes after first seizure
Do you guys get an aura when are frightened?
how old do you think i am based on my fridge? lol
What is everyone’s favourite Christmas film?
I think I’ve had auras for three weeks now
Olfactory hallucinations