Not who you thought they were
What was the dumbest thing your pwBPD argued about?
Anyone take them back after the Hoover and regret it?
Distorted reality and the stories they tell
Don't let the good moments with them cloud your judgment. Remember who they REALLY are.
She slept with a fresh 18 year old
They're not the Right Person for You
Are they all desperate to get married?
How long did it take you
Could you imagine a long-term future with them?
I feel bad. I literally just ghosted and left.
The lack of empathy shocks me
How good are you at reading emotions?
Anyone here wished that their person with BPD would disappear forever or even just die?
The Chemistry -- how does it happen?
fck fp's
Its been 3 months and I feel insane.
Are you people feeling the same way? Especially after a meaningless discard.
The only advantage after a relationship with a BPD
She posted the new guy on social media today
How do you get past the feeling that its just not fair
Reflecting on how common it is for BPDers to accuse their partners of having BPD
I looked in a moment of weakness, full of regrets
Was your ex with BPD a compulsive liar?
I just want to be left alone.