What are your top 3 reads in the box?
New Omni Announcement
Reality of comic collecting
Best and Worst of Grant Morrison
Here is my Updated Omnibus plus Epics/Trades Collection. I am also the Guy who posted yesterday about slowing down my comic spending.
Which has been your first read of this year?
I need to vent.
Ollie’s is undefeated
Shelfie - what are the odds I run out of cube space this year 😭
“What are you reading?” Wednesday.
Who's going to get your Martin's?
What are good Space Operas comics these years?
Tales of the Jedi omnibus ?
East of West is a Masterclass
How much is my wall worth in total?
What kinds of discounts are typical from dealers on a new Martin?
EC Archives
New Omnibus News
I want to buy a comic book
Ngd. D35!!!
Orders vanishing from orders tab?
What should my first omni be?
Why do you prefer Cichlids?
Is this worth anything?
Book signed by Neil Gaiman, at one point priced at $99, I bought yesterday for $1.50