What are some cards you can’t believe aren’t getting nerfed/buffed next season?
OP MC with romance and no Harem
Tier Lists still a thing here? opinions welcome and suggestions even more welcome.
Phil Tucker here, author of The Immortal Great Souls. Join me for an AMA + Giveaway to celebrate the launch of Bastion’s Deluxe Edition Kickstarter!
I've yet to read a litrpg where numbers don't become a meaningless mess.
Ideas for Super Powers/Special Abilities
Novel that doesn't focus only on one main character?
Make a picture based on my reddit username
I love Elixir Golem so much
The Systemic Lands
How to make a REAL tank MC exciting?
"they built this cage to keep me in, not to keep you out"
[RF] Puddle a Fleshwarped ranger
[LFA] AIM, immortal gambler
I am once again asking for op mc
I need a series to switch my brain off and read.
Who Else Thought 'He Who Fights With Monsters' was About Taming Monsters?
[Help find title]
Hello, I forgot the tile of a manwha I probably read years ago
Recommendations for stories like fate points anyone?
Why don't people like HWFWM? I loved the series.
Tell me your favorite baki character
Rune Giant - New Damage Amplifier in Clash Royale - January 2025 Season - RoyaleAPI Video Preview
Any wrist exercises that don't require dumbbells?