Whats the pettiest thing you do in Enlisted?
Best German and American weapons to Research
These would be good premium or event planes
I can't log in please help
they should add a france vs germany
The Fuel Rod "Cannon" is coming back to Halo Infinite
Last days of Gold Orders, what are you buying?
BR Breakdown
Was this movie the most misunderstood in the franchise?
With a teammate like this destroys our only rally point
Aircraft mains are crazy
Surprise Mf
Are my teammates supposed to be this stupid
122k ping on 2 servers bruh wifi very bad
I need suggestions
How do I make A LAN world in Minecraft 1.12?
What do you call this planet? Wrong Answers Only!
Anyone else have any famous soldiers?
Good order guns
Suggestions on future 20k point events
Moon event when ?!!!!
I Can't Fathom This Level of Stupidity