What is the difference between this two car models?
I found a mango.
If you were in Felix Baumgartner's shoes, what song would you listen to on your descent to earth?
Its the truth
It’s finally official
Finally. Hotwheels Ferraris
Oh, ur a car guy? Cool! Name every car.
Mail call! Got many goodies for a total of 110 euro. Love buying loose cars so i dont have to open em up
I'm making crêpes
We stealin boxes now?
Free it friday! Got the Lambo hauler and some matchbox goodies. Really like the wider rear wheels on the reventon, fixes the issue i had with the orange one
A darn shame
Have you ever seen a toilets combat ?
Found the cyber miata! Never thought i would find this one let alone this fast!
Is this picture AI or photoshoped? If not, where can you get this style of bonnet/ hood with a similar scoop?
Anyone else got a customized scale version of their real car?
Today, i did get my drivers license
Nothing unusual, it's just a shrimp on a treadmill
you can put objects anywhere
Petah is the joke the line not being straight or I am missing something?
Not the best way to start your day
Hammer time!
Roses are red, im staring into the abyss
What is Jeremy driving here?