Does minimum wage increase prices and do immigration restrictions increase prices?
If person A murders 1 person and saves 1 person from death and person B does not murder or save anyone, which person is more moral?
Thoughts on online political censorship?
Are you tired of "wokeness?"
Which leader is preferrable?
What is the main reason the USA became rich?
Do you hate corporations?
Was Israel created legitimately?
Pro-Palestinians, if Palestine is created "from the river to the sea" and it is an authoritarian Islamic theocracy run by Hamas that deported all Israeli citizens, is that preferrable to the existence of Israel?
Are happy about the ceasefire?
If a country has abolished/minimal private property and the economy is run via central planning, is it socialist?
Carbon tax is
Slavery made the US
Ingsocim is
Are you pro-natalist, anti natalist or neither?
He who shall not work shall not eat.
Which factor do you think explains a greater portion of Nordic countries’ high quality of life?
Are you a leftist, centrist, or rightist on trans rights?
Do you hate the rich?
Was there a clear "good guys" in WWI?
Leftists, did Taylor Swift, Lebron James, and Stephen Spielberg acquire their wealth unethically?
Rightists, do you support universal healthcare?
Who do you support in the Kashmir dispute?
Most preferrable Abhrahamic religion?
Which of these fields do you like most?