My experience GMing for and playing as the runesmith and the necromancer at 3rd, 10th, and 20th level
Have you ever seen a tabletop RPG explicitly, specifically state something to the effect of "This system is meant to accommodate character optimization and tinkering around with different character builds"?
My experience GMing for a runesmith and a necromancer at 3rd level
What pieces of media get stomped 10/10 times by one of the characters (protagonist or antagonist) deciding to acquire a firearm?
The Sword of Ruin from 13th Age 1e's Book of Loot is a fascinating item that can be ported over to many other RPGs
What Pathfinder 2e non-ritual spells would be most useful for a society to try to cultivate?
A Pathfinder adventure/campaign idea I have had since 2018, yet have never been able to flesh out: the reincarnation conspiracy
What is the strongest party composition you've ever seen or played with?
What has been your experience with the 12th-level lich straight from the Monster Core? I have seen 10th-level parties repeatedly lose to it as a moderate encounter.
In D&D, Pathfinder, and adjacent high fantasy RPGs, how important do you make any given high-level PC or NPC?
How important do you make any given high-level PC or NPC?
My views on Fighter have changed
As we return to Inazuma, one loose end still bothers me: Scaramouche never making amends with Kazuha.
[Genshin Impact] As we return to Inazuma, one loose end still bothers me: Scaramouche never making amends with Kazuha.