Asked Google what was the worst time in each of the Beatles lives
Old and new attempt at the Revolver Cover
A very old attempt at drawing the Revolver Cover
My old attempt at the Revolver Album Cover (I got lazy and forgot to do George)
Question about Mauretania in the mid 30s
I know it might Sound stupid But,
Got stereo equipment for Christmas but I don’t know how to set it up
Got a New turntable from the 80s but I don’t know how to set it up
Christmas gift from Grandpa, but I need help setting it up
Finally bought it
HDMI cable not working
Ok my HDMI cable isn’t working
And this is supposed to be easy?
I need a seed for house materials
I am in some dire need of assistance
I need help
Ok so I’m making lineups for each rank
Which one?
How olds this badass
For those who think Italy sucks
Where is Arthur an actually buried? He can’t just be embedded in the rock
What am I doing wrong
What and why is this hook/spear thingamajig doing here
Uh two things I need help with