Still enjoy breaking “rules”
Mission "callings"
Experiences with undocumented immigrants in the church?
LDS church today. Questions on Lucy Harris
Apostle confirm 16yo are leaving in large numbers
Do I or don’t I reach out to a potential pimo?
what was the catalyst to you leaving?
Feelings about Food Storage since leaving the church?
Suing a town for a taller temple steeple; is this peacemaking? Would Jesus approve of this lawsuit?
So who's starting the "Exmormons for Fairview Legal Defense Fund"?
Area 70 probing the parents and grandparents of all less active members and non members.
Sacrament speaker was pretty damn convincing…
“Where were you?”
I genuinely don't know if mormons actually believe in Noah's ark or not. Some say they think its a metaphor, but others believe it literally
Southern Virginia University
Another Bluetooth accident
Question from active lds (delete if not allowed)
Piano music
What are some Mormon practices you considered normal, until a nevermo told you it was strange?
Just blew our Sunday school classes collective brains with “first vision jeopardy”.
Currently on a mission but so many questions...
One win for the truth…
My Bishopric Text Exchange Could Land Me in a Disciplinary Council
Temple wedding rsvp?
Area Presidency is teaching on sunday