SWE big tech
Meta Phone Screen -- my experience.
Rawdogged Google Interview
I created a short (AI) dub of a popular scene in Takagi-san to learn Korean (Experiment)
Tasks is crazy, you get an email too
Interview with Meta in 3 weeks. Haven't leetcode in 3 years. Am I cooked?
Google Interview feedback received. What are the chances?
Well it's just nothing but a doubt
You get to choose one food that from now on has 0 calories and no negative health effects but...
For those who have been in the industry for some time, when do you think things will get better? What is your prediction?
Super small roomscale < joystick?
What's your mentality when dealing with all the noise right now (AI fears especially now, but also everything else)?
Best methods of maximizing your chances of getting into an onsite interview in the first place.
What is the best way to extract vocabulary from movies in your TL
How to improve at implementation vs. pattern recognition?
Water Damage in V1
How much does it matter if I use global variables when coding solutions to certain problems?
Hans Niemann officially becomes the Number 1 Online Blitz Player
Meta interview - Is heap good enough answer or need quicksort to clear
This girl is 100% AI generated
I don’t like Fluyo’s definition of a noun
Can someone solve this failed OA due to this question
Solve this question please
Looking for 2-3 accountable buddies to start neetcode 150
Learners of Category IV+ languages, have you ever considered picking up a Category I language for fun?