Bambu Lab’s Customer Service is an Absolute Nightmare – 12 Days for a Simple Request
There is an emu wandering around Durham, NC. Emu are known to approach humans.
What is this weed? Located in Perth Australia
EVs Are Selling Well For Everyone Except Tesla
Is there still a window tint fee if one has a medical exemption?
Mira dry-Procedure number two
NEM 3.0 is really bad
First speeding ticket
Tesla Payment
X-games mode into my garbage can.
Is this normal for a Canadian goose? Lol, I've never seen them perch on a house.
Amex offers are sometimes laughable
Lioness wanted to mate but the male was not interested
Beware of Watchhl - A Cautionary Tale of Horrible Quality and Customer Service. Moved from REP as I posted to the wrong community.
Beware of Watchhl - A Cautionary Tale of Horrible Quality and Customer Service
How Should Biden respond to the Debt Ceiling Crisis?
Tesla App Net Energy Consumption is updating once every hour now? Previously, once every 3 seconds.
Gotten stopped by police 3 times in the span of one month. Is this normal?
schp is getting mustangs apparently?
Chicago at its Finest - Pipe Thrower
Title: Duke Energy Screws Solar Customers AGAIN with Net Metering Changes 😡
Updates on Solar Net Metering Changes in North Carolina
Just did my first Miradry session yesterday
Sweaty feet when wearing socks