This is breathtaking! 🐬
Moved to a bigger box
Are any of these worth over 30$
+10 stamina -20 hp
[wtb] Silver noob looking for honor
Info on 1834 half
US prosecutor warns of legal risk for anyone hindering Musk's efficie…
This is the way
Am I panicking?
"I get what I deserve" - Patrick
My humble stack for submission
Forbidden pieces?
1929-1944 dimes
Collection as a HS senior
CDL testing costs
First time buyer: Putting 1oz bars into capsules?
Is This a Good Idea?
Started collecting again last month!
maybe maybe maybe
Now what?
What $125 looks like
RADICALIZED REPUBLICANS: PR stunt attack on Chicago immigrant community planned by Admin starting tomorrow (Tuesday, January 21st)
RADICALIZED REPUBLICANS: Trump to send 100-200 US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents for large immigration raid in Chicago on Tuesday January 21st
Trump administration set to conduct ICE raids in Boston after Chicago, New York
VP Elect JD Vance and wife arrive in DC with looks of disgust on their faces
This is actually wild