Worst release in WWE history
What is the most horrible death ever depicted on screen?
27M , no job , no careear
got lucky finally!!!
Fuck this shithead eagles fan for stealing a dude’s knit cap
Player Upgrade Tix
If you can't see this guy is the best option for world champ in modern wrestling you simply don't understand wrestling
First concert and do you still like and listen to that band?
(25F) I’ve lost 40 pounds and I’m feeling good about myself. knock me down a peg. Please make it more creative than just calling me a whore.
Hurt us so good
What are yall dream band line ups
Bands that you didn’t listen to when you were younger, but you listen to them now.
What is a song that people praise as such an amazing song but you don't understand the appeal
Should I choose prime billy or Jt from the draw event
Future Prime Guesses
Which Marvel Character is your most favourite and why?
Last apprentice on the list. But he’s first in my book. Definitely the best one we have. Not too much to compare to though 😂
Imminence live
What band is on your top 5 on Spotify every year?
GI prime tickets worth?
What band got you into metal?
Finch - Bitemarks and Bloodstains
How much do you grind league mode?
Which Avenger or Justice League member would you cast John Wilkes Booth to play?
Why do Patriots fans randomly think AJ Brown is available lmao