Palkia 2 local with P.P 382285506640
Palkia 382285506640 2 local team power
382285506640 weather boosted 2 local and party power! Will start when I get 10!!
Latios 382285506640 2 local & party power
2 local and party power 382285506640
Dialga on me !! 382285506640 will start once 5 people add me!
Snorlax with jacket on me! 382285506640
Primal groudon 2 local !!! 382285506640
Honeslty 10/10 time for me; I personally only meet amazing people and the crowds were such great vibes. It sad to hear so much people
Will they take my portable stool at the gate?
Parking! look for the sign. 5 min walk
When does GA parking usually fill up?
Zacian. 2 local adding first 10. Add 8047 2750 8378
What’s your favorite hundo(s) you own?
Zacian!!! Red gym 382285506640
Zacian red gym add 320153130566
965087301072 Zacian
Zacian 597251716866 3 locals
zacian, 1324 6963 7788
Zacian 2158-1330-5918
Zacian raid 891358475727
Zacian 395633794345
382285506640 KYGORE RAIDS 2 local